Tips & Tricks: Repurpose Your Marketing Content to Save Time and Money

Creating new and creative content can be daunting especially when facing time and money restrictions. Marketing content plays a key role in brand image and consumer recognition. It’s important to keep customer loyalty while gaining an increased online presence and reach.

If you ever find yourself crutched on time or without the budget to create new and innovative marketing content, these easy tips and tricks from FAULHABER can help your brand save on valuable time and money.

Before starting, take a look at which marketing content gained the most consumer traction. Ask yourself – was it deemed successful for our brand? Once this key aspect is established, you can simply take your most successful content and/or campaigns and repurpose it.

Create infographics

Making infographics is an easy tool to build content creation whilst, presenting company information through creative design. Taking existing content and applying it to create various infographics can help repurpose information and present it in one condensed graphic. Infographics are easily shareable and can show brand image.

Turn existing videos into blog post content

Making promotional videos is a reoccurring theme for any brand. But, taking these videos and cutting them down into blog posts is a great way to reuse existing content. The content itself, is already presented in the video therefore, transforming it into writen content is a great tool to consistently publish material.

Convert blog posts into video content

In opposition to point 2, taking blog posts and turning them into videos is an innovative and creative way to repurpose existing content. The ideas are already created from start to end. The next step will be bringing the words into life by creating a short clip for consumers.

Create a set template for newsworthy posts

Creating a set template for newsworthy posts about your brand can be a unique and unified way to present information on your brand. Having a set template will ensure brand image and a way to simply share content. For each newsworthy post, the brand can repurpose each template with the addition of different content.

Reshare testimonials or positive client feedback

Consumer testimonials and feedback will always be presented for any brand. Taking these individual comments/feedbacks and resharing them on every social media platform will show consumer trust and loyalty to ensure a positive reputation for your brand.

The benefits of these simple steps can range from easily shareable posts to improving overall content. By condensing information, it will help better various SEO’s and expand audience reach.

To learn more about how FAULHABER can help you achieve your business goals, check out our services page here.