How To Stay Busy While Social Distancing

My prediction is that social distancing is going to be the most talked about phrase in 2020. Everyone should know about it and everyone should be doing it – literally everyone. However, if you are someone like Jared Leto who was on a silent retreat in the forest and just emerged after a month of no TV and no phone, social distancing is the practice of, most simply, distancing yourself from social situations, staying inside your home as much as possible and limiting your interactions with all other humans (dogs are okay though!).

Now that we got that little lesson out of the way, what the heck do you do stuck at home for an unknown amount of time? Here are seven ways you can stay busy.


If you are able to work from home during this time, please do so. Now is a great time to get all of those admin tasks done- you know, the ones you have been pushing off for more urgent items. Pro tip– my favourite mid-day break is a solo dance party! Get up and get that body moving and juices flowing. May I recommend Be Alright by Ariana Grande or Dancing on my Own by Robyn as a starting point.


Besides your mid-day dance party, home exercises are a great way to keep the body and mind healthy and happy. There are a TON of places offering free online classes during this social distancing phrase, do a quick Google and you will find endless articles pointing you in the right direction. Our current favourites are Instagram live streams from local fitness studios Misfit Studios and MyoDetox.


Did you fall into the ‘adult colouring book’ trend of 2013? If so, now is a great time to dig that sucker out and use it!

Pick Up A New Hobby

Ever wanted to learn how to sew? Braid hair? Knit? Cook? NOW is the time! And what’s great about a lot of those hobbies is we already have all the necessary tools lying around.


Spring cleaning baby. Now is the perfect time to tackle all those drawers and closets you’ve been so good at avoiding. A tip? Since almost all Youtuber’s are confined to their homes as well, there is an abundance of videos surfacing of them cleaning their own spaces. So throw one of those on for some motivation and OCD-satisfying entertainment.


Get lost in a book and forget all your worries. I’m sure you have a book, or a pile of books, that you’ve been meaning to tackle but haven’t found the time. It is now that perfect time to take a break from the screen and enjoy the much-welcomed distraction.


Last but not least, if all else fails, plop yourself down and finish the latest Netflix series or start a new one! Head to Faulhaber Communication’s Instagram and check out the highlight “FFAVES” to see what we are recommending you add your must-watch list.